We bring the best quran tutors for you

Quran tutors will help you and your kid learn the basics of Islam, Tajweed, and Arabic with top scholars and professionals.

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Why Choose Quran Tutors?

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Top Scholars

Learn with the best Quran & Arabic tutors who have graduated from top universities.

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+30 Courses

We have brought more than 30 courses for adults and kids.

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+100 Hours

We have brought more than 30 courses for adults and kids.

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6 Ijazahs

You can learn the 6 different Ijazahs with us.

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+30 Teachers

We have brought more than 30 courses for adults and kids.


Featured Courses

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Akhlaq and Adaab course image

Akhlaq and Adaab

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Fixing your Deen (religion) is not just praying regularly and reading the Quran more frequently. It is also fixing your character, the way you behave when you interact with people, the vocabulary you use, the people you surround yourself with. It is about correcting your Akhlaq.

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Arabic Foundation course

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Now, your children can learn Arabic with the help of Noor al bayan and Norania Qaida. The classes will help your child to understand the Quran without using the translations. 1) You can now start writing Arabic without any mistakes, just like a Native Arab. 2) You will easily understand the texts in Arabic. 3) You will be able to understand the meaning of Quran’s verses without any hassle. 4) Not only you will understand Arabic but you can live in Saudia Arabia and speak Arabic fluently.

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Learning about Islam is an obligatory thing for every Muslim male and female. As, every Muslim and Muslimah shall learn about Islam to the degree that enables them to fulfill their Ibada(worshipping Allah),Aceedah (creed) and their Akhlaq (Islamic manners). Your kids are not required to be scholars in Islam as it is enough for them to know what will make them good Muslims and strengthen their relationship with Allah. They shall know what is Haram (unlawful) and what is Halal(lawful). Islam is the religion that cares about knowledge in all various field of life. As the first verse in Quran was in Surat AL-Alaq. ‘’ Recite in the name of your Lord who created. Created man from a clinging substance.’’ ‘’ .. Say: “Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? ‘’ Al_Zumar. Teaching your kids about Islam is no less than teaching them the other sciences like, mathematics, art, geography, science and technology. These are sciences that serve only our world life which is temporary and fake. But, Islamic knowledge serves this life and the Akhira (afterlife) which is the real and everlasting life. In Qur’an tutor, your kid will enjoy and Learn Islam Online with our Islamic Studies program that covers many subjects that are essential for every Muslim and Muslimah. The program Includes Aqidah (creed) , Fiqh (jurisprudence) , Hadith (actions and sayings of prophet) , Tafseer (interpretation of the meaning of the Holy Qur’an) and Islamic History . Each subject is divided into several levels. As we start from basic knowledge that your kid must know to advanced knowledge. Every level has many interesting and essential topics to your kids and our tutors will let your kids love Islam and practice it more in their lives.


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Learn Islam Online – Everything you must know

Learn Islam online and live the lifestyle prescribed by the Quran. Islamic studies can help you pursue a broad vision and make a difference. Learn Islam online and start understanding Islam and its principles from basics to advance with the help of Quran tutors. Quran tutor is an online platform designed to deliver the flexibility of timing to children and women, which will help them learn Islam online according to their preferences and time. However, you can choose from a wide range of courses designed for recitation, Tajweed, Islamic studies. You will find a complete package offered by our professional Quran tutors who will pay one-on-one attention to every individual, and you will not regret taking these courses. So, here is all that you would need to know!

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Learn Quran Online – What you should know

Learn Quran Online with the best teachers and tutors, so that you can follow the rules professionally. Learn Quran Online with the best tutors. You can now schedule a time according to your choice and avail the best learning opportunities while staying at home. The best thing about learning Quran online is that it is flexible and cost-effective. You will not regret taking these online Quran sessions because you will learn something new in every class. Here is what we can help you with.

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Learn Arabic Online – Benefits

Learn Arabic online and get flexibility and endless benefits from our experienced Quran tutors. You will love the experience, so let us get started! You can now study Arabic online with the help of qualified and certified professionals. However, the Arabic language is one of the most difficult languages, but you can learn Arabic online with the best tutors who apply the best techniques to teach Arabic. Our certified professional would use good techniques that will make your Arabic learning journey easier. The best part about Quran tutor is that you can learn Arabic online at flexible timing. You will also learn Arabic in no time. So, are you ready to Learn Arabic Online? Quran tutors is a unique platform that helps individuals learn the Quran and Arabic while staying at home. This is a perfect initiative for kids and women who want to learn Arabic faster with the help of professionals. We can guarantee that you can learn and speak Arabic as a native with practice, guidance, and one-on-one classes.